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have Any Query??

🖊 Everest Coin ($EVCoin) is a revolutionary token built to support a GameFi project that’s going to be deployed on Blockchain. Born out of an immense inspiration drawn from Mount Everest and the persistence and passion it takes to surmount the magnificent rock, Everest Coin will challenge the GameFi industry.

Yes: $EVCoin is an Open Source project that utilises Ethereum’s ERC20 smart contract to interact on the blockchain network.

EVCoin has been successfully audited by solidity finance and will undergo a techrate audit as well.

Everest Coin is led by an amazing group of talented crypto and blockchain professionsal. Known within the crypto cycle for their commitments to keeping communities active, below are the team members behind Everest: A On (founder), Unknown (Dev.), Mr.Everest (Project Manager/Team Lead), Armaghan (WebDev), C.King, $Shib Holder (Resident Influencer), Everest Climber, (Marketing, Facilitator) Viral Meme, (Lord of Memes), Macintoch (Graphics), Kind Sherpas (Our Community Volunteer Mods)  CalsiBot (Group Protector).

There are at least 3 ways users can participate to earn on EVEREST. 

  Buy, Hold and earn: When you buy and hold EVCoin, investors earn more tokens automatically.

EVCoin holding offers opportunities for rewards such as NFTs and lottery entries.

 Play-to-earn: Users earn EVCoin by playing in the Everest Game where NFTs are claimable, tradable, and players earn points in the form of EVCoin.

The IDO/Presale will start on the 26th of August, 2021

Yes. Follow our social channels where we will announce the details to take part in events to earn EVEREST


Is there a Max cap for the IDO?

Yes, hard cap of $500K to 200B Everest Tokens

Yes, hard cap of $500K to 200B Everest Tokens

Trading fee 10%;

More info about Everest Coin Tokenomics is released on our website

Trading fees, Cross-chain asset transfer handling fees and Cross-chain liquidity mining tax.

You can take part in our upcoming IDO or purchase Everest on Dex after listing. Alternatively, you can take part as LP liquidity mining

Every investment asset carry known risks, such as potential loss of value, depreciation or hacking. Everest is no exception.

However, Everest Coin is one of the most secure crypto projects you will come across.

Total supply of EVEREST: 1,000,000,000,000  (One trillion tokens) on BSC. We plan to launch on multiple chains in the near future. 

📖Hopefully this FAQ addresses most of your questions. Feel free to contact us via telegram if there are further questions, cheers

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