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EVCOIN Lottery

Want to win $1,000 this Saturday?

EVCoin Presents you a chance to win as much as $1,000 on BSC or as much as 1 Ether on the Ethereum Chain by entering into the lottery raffle draw. While both chains reward you for participation, their methods are different. See below for how to enter into the EVCoin lottery.


Buy a minimum of 0.2 BNB worth of EVCoins to be entered into the Lottery Pool right after a sell. Hold a minimum balance of 50M EVCoin tokens till the announcement date to remain a valid user. It’s important to note that once another buy jumps/frontruns your buy, your entry becomes invalid, irrespective of the validity of the buyer.


Buy a minimum of 0.1 ETH worth of EVCoins to be entered into the ETH Chain Lottery Pool. Your purchase doesn’t have to be after a sell. This means you can buy anytime to be entered into the lottery pool. Hold a minimum balance of 50M EVCoin tokens till the announcement date to remain a valid user.

A winner is drawn on both chains every Saturday, and the next week's lottery is restarted.


Lottery Ends in:

Winner Announced.

Current Users in Lottery:


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