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How to Buy EverestCoin on PooCoin

If you want to buy and trade EverestCoin on a decentralized exchange where you can see the entry points on the chart directly and can track your trade’s advancement, then you should consider using PooCoin.

What is PooCoin?

The PooCoin app was built to improve on existing DEXes by providing portfolio management and charts for the Binance Smart Chain unlike other popular decentralized exchanges like Uniswap and PancakeSwap.

To improve its functionality for users, PooCoin recently introduced a feature that allows users to check the integrity of a token. But most importantly, beyond being a DEX, it equally features a swapping option.

This means that you can swap your tokens for EVCOIN directly on the PooCoin app.

If you are looking for how to buy EverestCoin on the PooCoin app, then you are in the right place, as I will be showing you how to do just that in the following steps.

Register a Binance Smart Chain compatible wallet

In this tutorial, I am going to be using MetaMask wallet as an example, as it is one of the safest and most popular browser extensions for storing crypto tokens, and it is free. If you are using a mobile phone, you have to download the app on Google Playstore, on App Store.

But if you are using your PC, then you have to install the extension.

To do that, simply search for “MetaMask extension” on yor browser if you are using Chrome, Firefox, or Opera.

See the screenshot below.

Click on the link as shown in the image above. Then follow the prompts as they come to add it as an extension.

Check the image below.

Once you are done with that, the next step is to create an account.

To do this, you will be given a secret backup phrase. Copy it down and save it, and click “Confirm”.

Next, you have to connect your wallet to Binance Smart Chain. For details on how to connect your wallet to Binance Smart Chain which is the network that EverestCoin is on, click on this guide that I wrote on how to buy EVCOIN using MetaMask.

Fund your wallet

To do this, open an account with an exchange, say, Binance. Once you have registered and verified your account, fund it.

To do this, simply send money from your credit card to your Binance wallet and buy BTC, USDT, or ETH.

After making the purchase, use the funds you bought to buy BNB. This is because EVCOIN is a BEP-20 token, and the easiest way to buy it is to swap it for BNB.

Once the purchase has been made, send the BNB from Binance to your MetaMask wallet.

To do this successfully, simply click on the BNB in your MetaMask wallet and click on the “receive” button.

Copy the address that comes up, and head over to Binance or whatever exchange you have your BNB on. Click on “Withdraw” and paste the address you copied earlier on in the space for “recipient address”.

It is important to verify that you are on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) at this point before choosing the BEP-20 (BSC) network. Once verified, however, click on “submit” to transfer your BNB token to your MetaMask wallet.

As soon as the transaction is done, the BNB will appear in your balance, and you will see the funds in your wallet.

Connect your wallet to PooCoin

Go to

On the top right-hand corner, you will see the “connect” button. Click on it as shown above.

A new interface will appear that will showcase the different wallets available to be connected. Click on your wallet of choice.

In my case, I clicked on MetaMask, as that was the one I wanted to connect.

Search for EVCOIN in the search bar

Once connected, the next thing you have to do is to search for EVCOIN to see if it is already listed.

Simply type “EVCOIN” in the search bar. It will bring up the EVCOIN token.

Click on it. But before you trade, verify the contract address, to be sure you are trading the correct EVCOIN token.

Here is the contract address: 0x84B7BB9614Cf28226d1b0a07499472bc107e3000.

You can also find the EverestCoin contract address on Bscscan.

Set your slippage to 12% and trade

Once the contract address has been verified, you will then take a series of steps in quick successions.

The first step is to click on the “trade” button. You can see it in the screenshot below with an arrow labeled, “1”.

When you click on it, then take the second step which is to go to the BNB section and choose the amount of BNB you wish to swap for EVCoin.The third quick step is to click on the bar for slippage and manually type in “12”. This will set the slippage amount to 12% which is what you need to make the trade.

As soon as you have done these, you can then swap your BNB for EVCOIN.

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