
Join Our Community

  • Join our community to become part of the movement.
  • Join our community for support and help promote the next major Play to Earn Gaming token.
Phase 1
Current Stage

i) Website Launch
ii) Social MediaChannels Launched
iii) Solidity Audit
iv) Token Launch on BSC 9/21/2021
v) Whitepaper
vi) CoinGecko/CoinMarketCap
vii) Applications & Fast Track
viii) Influencer Marketing and Press Part 1
ix) Raffle Draws and NFTs
x) 5,000 Holders and Donation to Himalayan Charity

Phase 2
Path to Broader Adoption

i) Everest Game Interactive Teaser Released
ii) Influencer Marketing and Press Part 2
iii) TV, Billboards, Blips, etc.
iv) AirDrops, NFTs, plus Bid
v) Test and Critique Game Mock Up with Youtube influencers
vi) 10,000 Holders

Phase 3

i) Launch of FTP and ETH
ii) Initiate Game Development
iii) Secure Gaming Protocol Partnership
iv) Launch Game V1
v) Commence Aggressive Marketing for Game
vi) 20,000 holders

Phase 4

i) Reduce Tax
ii) Commence Cex Listings
iii) Everest Swap
iv) Everest Staking
v) 50,000 holders

Welcome Back

Everything is where you left it.